FLATCAST - The Streamingsite for Webcasting listen to music ... chat ... meet friends ... broadcast your music Privacy Policy/Imprint

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Your Homepage (Website)

For usage of FLATCAST each broadcaster requires a homepage i.e.FLATCAST is no homepage-provider. Without homepage you may test basic features of FLATCAST, but there will be no sound for your listener.

How to register as a Flatcast user

On the Flatcast homepage you find a area on the left hand side called "Login". If you are not yet registered follow the following steps:
  1. Click [register here]. The welcome window opens. Read the text carefully and click [next].
  2. Enter a name. Select whether you want to publish this information within the Flatcast community. Click [next]
  3. Enter the user name you which to have. Enter a valid email address. Enter a password and confirm it. Click[next].
  4. If you like you now can enter some voluntary information. Click [weiter].
  5. Select your hobbies and your default chat color. Click [weiter].
  6. You´ve done it! You are now registered

Activate your user
After registration you get an email by Flatcast. This mail contains a link. Please click it to activate your user. You get a window, which tells you that your user is now activated. Caution! You need to activate your user before you are allowed to send a stream.
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Create a stream

Surf to the Flatcast homepage. If you have not done the login yet, you find the login area on the left hand side. Enter your user and your password. Click [Login].

Create a stream
After you´ve done the login, the login area is replaced by a user menu.
  1. Click [Broadcasters Area]
  2. Click on the right hand side on [Create a new stream]. A window opens. Read the text carefully, then click [next].
  3. Enter your stream´s title and description. Click [next].
  4. Select your stream´s bandwidth and icon. Click [next].
  5. Enter a link to your homepage, where your stream will be embedded. See also the following chapter. Click [next].
  6. Select the size of your stream window in pixel. Click [next].
  7. Enter when you will start the stream. Click [next].
  8. Select wether you want to publish your stream in the Flatcast stream schedule. Click [next].
  9. Finaly click [Create] klicken.

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Start a created stream

Check of Connectivity
  1. If you use any "Personal Firewall" like ZoneAlarm, XP Firewall etc., please enable UDP Port 40123.
  2. You are connected to internet by via router, please map UDP Port 40123 to your streaming computer.

Please surf to the Flatcast homepage. If you haven´t done the login yet, please do it. Now do the following:
  1. Click [Broadcasters Area]. Now you see a box, which contains your stream´s title and description
  2. Click [Start stream]. If you are sending the first time, it might take a few minutes, until the producer software is downloaded. When you are asked, wether you want to install the producer software click [Yes].
  3. The Tools window now opens. Double click [Flatcast 4.15 - ChatRadio Dark].
  4. The Flatcast DJ-Mixer opens. Click [Add] and select some audio file you like to send. Click [Ok].
  5. You´ve done it! You are on air!

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Embed your show into your homepage

After you´ve created a stream you receive a mail from Flatcast. This Mail contains the stream´s SID (Stream ID). All following examples contain the SID 282. Replace this with your own SID.

The stream window´s minimum height in pixel is 96 and the minimum width in pixel is 128

Embed as IFRAME
To embed the stream as an IFrame into your homepage, it is enough, to include this HTML code into your homepage.

<IFRAME height="600" width="800" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"
src="https://www.flatcast.info/player.aspx?sid=282"> </IFRAME>

!!! CAUTION: Replace 282 with your own SID !!!

Embed stream as popup window
Use the following HTML code to embed the stream as popup window into your homepage.

<body LANGUAGE=javascript onload="window.open

!!! CAUTION: Replace 282 with your own SID !!!

Hidden streams
If your stream is hidden, beside the SID you need also to enter your Check-Code. You got the Check-Code together with the SID.


<IFRAME height="600" width="800" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"
sid=282&ck=b1348838383"> </IFRAME>

As popup window

<body LANGUAGE=javascript onload="window.open

!!! CAUTION: Replace 282 with your own SID and the
Check-Code b1348838383 with your own Check-Code!!!

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User online: 1173